Ridge Fitness
A boutique strength
and conditioning
studio for women.

Cabarita Beach

Our classes run for 60 minutes and are capped at 6 women per session to ensure sound technique training, trainer presence and options for all levels of fitness. Each session offers options to ensure you are supported and progressing each week! 



A program incorporating strength training principles, progressive overload, technique workshopping, varying reps and muscle time under tension. The Strength program focuses on progression through some larger lifts such as, deadlift, squats, bench press, followed by a mix of accessory work to enhance your technique and muscle tone. The session often concludes with deep core awareness and abdominal exercises for stability in your training.


Heart is a mix of strength and Aerobic Fitness. The first half of this session is predominantly strength based, it involves activation, stretch, and strength exercises. Part two of the session is designed to get your heart pumping and blood flowing. This is set to challenge your mindset and show you what you are capable of. All sessions offer options for all for fitness ability and journeys.


A power workshop. This involves Weightlifting movements and principles such as snatches, clean and press. The session is designed to channel your power through explosive movements. This session is a good mix of mini challenges, games and mind body connection.


Base is a low impact, high burner, results and foundations session. A session designed to target and isolate small muscle groups using low weights, higher reps and bodyweight to encourage muscle definition, form foundations and mind body awareness. This style promotes lengthening of the muscles for improved posture and increased flexibility ultimately improving your strength training overall! Prepare to burn and learn.


A Session to learn specific lifts! An intimate class to learn and progress your technique! We cover all of the foundations and progression of compound lifts in full depth such as, The Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Clean, Jerk and Snatch Variations.


A free monthly outdoor community session. This may be a coffee and a swim, a beach yoga session, a training session at the headland or something else exciting entirely! An epic chance for the community to get together, connect, laugh and make new friends!

move actual


Ultimately we are training to feel good and for the longevity of our health! Ensure you are at your best to perform in your strength training and every day with this 45 minute targeted mobility session. We work together in specific movements to release and strengthen muscles, improve joint mobility, increase flexibility and balance to ensure you’re feeling your best in your training and everyday life!!
mat pilates


A restorative mat pilates session, designed to connect your body and mind through intentional activation. This one will burn in all the right places, increase your body awareness and leave you floating out of the studio!


A combination session of foam rolling, Trigger ball therapy and stretch to encourage flexibility, and decrease tension and stress held in the body. You will float out of the studio feeling looser and more revived!


Have you been wondering what is is we do?
Then wonder no more, get involved in a community of women flipping the script of fitness, training, empowerment and soul alignment.
You don’t have to have trained before, you just have to be you and choose to show up for you. The community, joy and programs are done for you.